Us strategy in vietnam war

Author and west point history professor colonel gregory daddis talks about u. The role of the united states in the vietnam war began after world war ii and escalated into full commitment during the vietnam war from 1955 to 1973. Also, had the united states launched a fullscale military invasion of north vietnam instead of confining the war to the southern half of the country, the war. The vietnam war part 2 the tactics of the viet cong gcse history in this video, we look at the viet cong and the tactics that they used in the vietnam war to overcome a much superior. The increasingly unpopular war had created deep rifts in american society. The most admirable thing about this falls pbs series on the vietnam war is the way in which it forces american audiences to confront the. Could the united states have found a strategic through line to the outcome. General westmorelands strategy of attrition and the american progress in the ground war was a mixed bag. During the second indochina war, better known as the vietnam war, a distinctive land warfare strategy and organization was used by the national liberation front better known as the viet cong or vc in the west and the peoples army of vietnam or nva north vietnamese army to defeat their american and south vietnamese army of the republic of. Role of the united states in the vietnam war wikipedia. American military strategy in the vietnam war, 19651973. The strategy in the vietnam war was to attrit the enemy.

One month later, on january 27, 1973, the united states, north vietnam, south vietnam, and the provisional revolutionary government signed the paris agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in vietnam. There were two major wars against the communists in vietnam. Countering recent scholarship that asserts america could have won the war in 1970, professor daddis argued that u. The vietnam war forever changed american perspective on war, protest, the military, and government.

Military dissent and poli tics in the vietnam era new york. Essentially in this period of time, as vietnam became an american war, as president johnson was thrust into the presidency after the assassination of president kennedy, november of 1963, the president was motivated mainly by two things. The vietnam war part 2 the tactics of the viet cong. The united states military was superior to the viet cong and north vietnamese forces, but. From the vietnam war to the south china sea, hanois position has changed dramatically. Vietnamization was a strategy that aimed to reduce american involvement in the vietnam war by transferring all military responsibilities to south vietnam. American military strategy in the vietnam war, 19651973 oxford. Related to this, roosevelt was adamantly against providing any aid. Their panel discussion followed a presentation by mg mcmaster, who talked about continuities in war and the lessons todays military leaders have learned from the vietnam war. Vietnams evolving role in us asia strategy the diplomat.

What was the us strategy for the vietnam war answers. The most admirable thing about this falls pbs series on the vietnam war is the way in which it forces american audiences to confront the genius of north vietnams strategy. Nlf and pavn strategy, organization and structure wikipedia. The tactic of search and destroy, which resulted in the process of counting bodies the body. Vietnamization was a strategy that aimed to reduce american involvement in the vietnam war by transferring all military responsibilities to. Antiwar protests and demonstrations increased rapidly in numbers and size.

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